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MAC Call For Evidence

2 mins read 13/09/2019

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has been commissioned by the UK Government to assess the range at which salary thresholds should be set for sponsored migrants in the context of the future post-Brexit immigration system, due to be launched in 2021. In addition the committee has been asked to provide evidence based recommendations on how an “Australian style” points-based system could work in the UK in order to strengthen the UK labour market.

The MAC has now issued a Call for Evidence  seeking views and evidence from stakeholders with relevant knowledge, expertise or experience to help inform their response. The MAC wishes to hear from a wide range of interested parties from all parts of the UK including businesses, employers, recruiters, trade unions, academics, think tanks, representative bodies and Government departments.

Background and Context

  • In September 2018, the MAC published its report looking at EEA migrants in the UK, which included the recommendation to “maintain existing salary thresholds for all migrants under Tier 2 (General)” and to “make Tier 2 (General) open to RQF 3 and above”.
  • In December 2018, in its White Paper on the UK’s future skills-based immigration system, the Government accepted most of the MAC’s recommendations including to make Tier 2 (General) open to RQF 3 and above. The salary threshold was however only accepted in part and the Government has now asked MAC to look further into this issue.
  • MAC is considering all job titles from RQF 3 and above to ascertain the appropriate level of salary thresholds.
  • Furthermore on 3 September 2019, following the Prime Minister’s declaration that one of his priorities was to review the current immigration system and look to introduce an “Australian-style” points-based system after Brexit, the Home Secretary asked the MAC to undertake research and to provide evidence based recommendations on how this system could work in the UK.
  • The MAC will now consider how points could be awarded to prospective migrants for different attributes, such as educational qualifications, language proficiency, work experience and willingness to work in regions or sectors with a shortage of workers.

How to Submit Evidence

Interested organisations are asked to provide evidence and complete an online questionnaire.

Full details of the Call for Evidence and questions for individual and representative organisations can be found here.

At Magrath Sheldrick LLP we will be working with our clients and professional contacts to submit a consolidated response to the Call for Evidence. If you would like to participate in this project please get in touch with your usual Magrath Sheldrick representative or with Joanne Taylor.



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