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WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT – Jordan added to the visa national list

Nationals of Jordan required to obtain visitor visas prior to entering the UK Electronic Travel Authorisation no longer available Only a small number of existing ETAs may be used no later than 3pm BST on 8 October 2024   AS OF 3 PM BST today 10 September 2024 nationals of Jordan will no longer be…

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Spotlight on EMEA Series: Ireland

Commencing on 2nd September 2024 the Irish Government has signed into legislation the Employment Permits Act 2024. Employers should note these changes and ensure that they make the necessary adjustments for any impact on sponsored employees.  The changes are largely seen as positive and remove several administrative burdens for employers.  In a bid to ensure…

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Home Office Error with Going Rate Thresholds

As part of Skilled Worker visa application process, sponsors are required to assign each role to the appropriate code using the Standard Occupational Classification (“SOC”) system. Each code sets a salary threshold known as the “going rate”. In April 2024, the Home Office implemented a revised SOC 2020 list, in line with the changes to…

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