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Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary procedures encourage good management and set out the standards of behaviour expected of employees.

Disciplinary procedures encourage good management and set out the standards of behaviour expected of employees.

Should disciplinary proceedings be necessary a clear framework limits allegations of bias, and encourages consistency of treatment.

In order for a dismissal to be fair, an employer must have a fair reason to dismiss and must follow a fair procedure.  Failure in either one will make a dismissal unfair entitling the aggrieved employee to compensation should employment tribunal proceedings be commenced.

Section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 requires that employees are provided with a copy of their employers disciplinary procedure – but the procedure should not ever form part of the employee’s contract of employment.  Should it, any breach of process by the employer may hand the employee a breach of contract claim, and in some instances  claim for constructive unfair dismissal ad / or an inability to enforce post-employment restrictions.

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