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Employment Tribunal Claims

Following the abolition of the fee regime the number of claims brought in the Employment Tribunal has soared.

Employees with awareness of their rights, and the ability to simply complete the claim form on line, once the initial ACAS pre-conciliation process has been followed, means that no employer is immune from the threat of claims for breaches of employee rights.

Magrath can help with employment claims. 

Following the abolition of the fee regime the number of claims brought in the Employment Tribunal has soared.

Employees with awareness of their rights, and the ability to simply complete the claim form on line, once the initial ACAS pre-conciliation process has been followed, means that no employer is immune from the threat of claims for breaches of employee rights.  Claims are time consuming and expensive to defend and it is important to obtain sound advice as to prospects of success early on.  We bring and defend employment claims (in the Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal, High Court and Court of Appeal) acting for employers ranging from multinationals and PLCs through to SMEs and for employees who find themselves having been treated in a way that undermines their rights, whether their statutory rights, contractual rights, or human rights. We believe it is important that legal representatives are able to see both sides of a claim in order to be able to give the best possible advice.