From Friday, 19 June 2020, most businesses and social activities will be allowed to resume when Singapore enters the second phase of its reopening following the lifting of the Circuit Breaker on 2 June.
All long-term pass holders (including those on employment/S passes and dependant passes) will continue to require prior approval before returning to Singapore. The authorities have not provided a timeline to allow these pass holders to return, but has said that it expects to be able to facilitate the re-entry of more long-term pass holders in the coming weeks. Approvals were previously granted on a very limited basis and only to those with exigent circumstances.
Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders entering Singapore from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam and who stayed in these countries and territories in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry will be allowed to serve their stay-home notice at home. Those entering Singapore from countries that are not in this list will be required to serve their 14-day stay-home notice at dedicated facilities.
All inbound and outbound travellers who enter or leave Singapore from 11.59pm on 17 June will also be required to pay for their COVID-19 tests, and those who are not Singaporeans or permanent residents entering the country will need to pay for their stay at dedicated facilities (details available on Government website).
Short-term visitors are still not allowed into Singapore except those coming in under green lane or fast lane arrangements. A green lane arrangement is in place between Singapore and China (limited to the provinces/municipalities of Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Tianjin and Zhejiang) which allows travel both ways for government sponsored travellers on official business only. Applications must be made through a Singapore sponsoring government agency. It is meant for government officials visiting Singapore and significant technical personnel who are needed to maintain critical systems in Singapore. Similarly, Singapore residents who intend to travel to China must also be sponsored by a government agency in China which will file the relevant application on their behalf. Applications for company-sponsored business travellers will be opened under a later phase, details of which are not available as yet. The government is also in discussion with other countries on the implementation of green lane arrangements and is also looking to facilitate business travels for professionals based in Singapore with the necessary safeguards in place.