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Denmark – Ukraine-Special Act

1 mins read 22/04/2024

In our Spotlight on EMEA series we round up the latest developments from around the regions.  In this post we look at the extension of the Ukraine-Special Act in Denmark.

The validity of residence permits issued by the The Danish Immigration Service that were granted under the Ukraine-Special Act, have been extended until 17 March 2025. 


On 3 November 2023, the Minister of Immigration and Integration decided that residence permits which were issued under the act on temporary residence permits granted to people who have been displaced from Ukraine (hereinafter the Special Act) could be extended until 17 March 2025. This follows from a review undertaken of all the residence permits that were issued under the Act and were set to expire on 17 March 2024.

The residence permits will now remain valid until 17 March 2025.

It should be noted that in some cases the Danish Immigration Service were not able to contact some individuals for the extension of the permits and necessary information was not available to enable them to extend.  In those cases the residence permits will have expired as of 17 March 2024 and a new application under the Special Act would need to be submitted if they wish to retain a residence permit for Denmark based on the Act.


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