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Spotlight on EMEA Series: Italy

1 mins read 12/06/2024

In our Spotlight on EMEA series we round up the latest immigration developments from around the region.  In this post we explore the potential for applying for the Nulla Osta in Italy for intra-company transfer staff.


What is the Nulla Osta – some background information

On the 3rd of October 2023, the ‘Prime Minister’s Decree” on the planning of flows of legal entries of foreign workers in Italy for the three-year period 2023-2025, so called Flow Decree,’ was published in the Official Gazette determining the entry quotas and rules regarding the entry of foreign workers into Italy for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

As part of that process it is now possible to apply for the Nulla Osta for intra-company transfer staff of non EU companies that are subsidiaries of or associated with Italian companies.  This comes after several months of waiting.  But what do we mean by the Nulla Osta?

The Italian Nulla Osta is a written statement that allows employers to apply for a Work Visa in Italy for non-EU nationals. Italian Immigration Authorities are in charge of issuing the nulla osta. The new modifications of the Decree on Migration Flows simplify its issuance by setting a time limit and allowing companies to obtain it before the completion of background checks.

The authorities should now issue the Nulla Osta within 30 days of application and once issued the foreign national can apply for the associated visa for entry at the Italian Embassy in the country of origin or legal residence.  Timescales for issuance of visas will vary.


For assistance with immigration matters and planning in Italy or other global jurisdictions please contact [email protected] and [email protected]


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