We are delighted to be hosting the annual BAB US/ UK Immigration Conference online on 4 November 2021 at 4pm GMT and 12pm EDT.
We will review trends and developments in transatlantic mobility and immigration and look ahead to changes and challenges in 2022.
Our speakers and panellists include:
Professor Brian Bell, Chair, Migration Advisory Committee
Meredith McEvoy, Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs, US Embassy London
Daniel Petriello, External Engagement Team, Strategy & Engagement, Migration and Citizenship Directorate, UK Home Office
Claire Razzolini, Partner, Immigration Practice, Gibney, New York
Ben Sheldrick, Managing Partner, Magrath Sheldrick LLP
This is an essential event for anyone with an interest in global mobility, immigration policy or transatlantic business.
To register for this free event please enter your details on the below link.